reducing food waste

Reducing Food Waste

Saving food from going to waste is one of the most effective ways to curb climate change¹. Luckily, rescuing food has been our bread and butter since we got started in 2018.

produce in the shape of an airplane

Save Food, Fight Climate Change

In the U.S., 38% of the food produced goes to waste every year². Which means that all the resources behind every bite of food—everything from the land and the labor to the water and the fertilizer—go to waste, too. And as food decomposes, it releases environment-harming methane (yikes!).

organic produce

Misfits Market to the Rescue

That’s where we come in! By sourcing food that might otherwise go to waste or lesser outcomes, we’re able to connect farmers and producers with people who know that good food comes in all shapes and sizes. With the help of our customers, we’re able to rescue 500,000 pounds of food every week.

Start Saving Food
ugly produce and misshapen foods

But What *Is* Food Waste?

Food waste can be anything from the spaghetti leftovers you forgot about, to the ugly produce and packaged goods supermarkets won’t accept due to outdated beauty standards. We focus on buying up the good stuff that doesn't make it to typical grocery store shelves, including...


How to Reduce Food Waste

grocery delivery box

When you shop...

Shopping with us is an easy way to stop food waste at the source and save the resources that went into producing it in the first place. With every order, Misfits Market customers save an average of 5 pounds of food, which conserves roughly 196 gallons of water and nearly 7 pounds of CO2e emissions.

recipes for reducing food waste

When you cook...

By storing food correctly and getting creative with scraps, you have the power to reduce food waste in your kitchen. Check out our blog for food waste-reducing how-tos, recipes, ingredient guides, and so much more.

rescue produce

We Love a Good Rescue Story

And we’ve got plenty—like these three recent wins.

misfits market grocery box

We’re Building a Movement

We work every day—at the farm, in the food supply chain, and in our homes—to waste less food. Those collective efforts add up. When you shop with us, you’re part of a community doing good.

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

When we grow food, we want it to be eaten, honoring all the resources that went into growing it—water, energy, financial investment, time, and care. For Misfits Market, the highest outcome for our food means feeding humans! When we aren’t able to use food to its highest potential in the food system, we’re wasting our precious natural resources and contributing to climate change.

¹Project Drawdown
³2024 UNEP Food Waste Index Report
⁴According to the EPA average for the same trips to the grocery store.